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Saturday, August 22, 2020
Free Essays on Yucca Mountain
History For over two decades, the Shoshone clan, researchers, hippies, the government, Nevada residents and lawmakers have wrestled over the destiny of Yucca Mountain. Yucca Mountain is situated inside the Western Shoshone Nation and has for quite some time been a position of incredible profound vitality for the Shoshone clan. The water in the territory is additionally hallowed, all things considered with many desert people groups. Yucca Mountain, and the encompassing territory, was never really regarded government land. As indicated by the 1863 Ruby Valley Treaty that the Shoshone marked with the U.S. government, the majority of the region presently utilized by the U.S. military for atomic weapons testing and the proposed squander capacity site was perceived as Shoshone land. Nonetheless, the Shoshone can't control what occurs on their familial land. Rather, lawmakers keep on attempting to convince the Shoshone to acknowledge monetary pay for their territory, which most view as an approach to dominate local title and restrict future land claims. In the late 1970s government researchers started to examine Yucca Mountain as a potential storehouse for atomic waste, and since 1987 it has been the main site considered for 77,000 tons of spent atomic fuel and other radioactive waste. 98% of all the radioactive waste created by U.S. atomic reactors may before long be set out toward the mountain. There is as of now more atomic waste than the vault can hold, except if the 77,000 ton limit is raised. In spite of the fact that the office won't open until 2010 at the most punctual, reactor squander now sitting in pools of water around the nation will fill Yucca Mountain’s passages and leave space for short of what 33% of the government’s atomic barrier squander, leaving 7,500 tons with no spot to go. Business atomic force plants produce 2,000 tons of elevated level waste every year, and when Yucca Mountain would be full in 2035, there would be 42,000 tons of recently created non military personnel squander at reactors arou nd the nation. Th... Free Essays on Yucca Mountain Free Essays on Yucca Mountain THE YUCCA MOUNTAIN NUCLEAR WASTE REPOSITORY After much research and finding out about the Yucca Mountain atomic waste and storehouse, I have increased a lot of information on the circumstance. I will impart to you the realities and what I have realized inquiring about this theme, just as the pro’s and con’s and my preferred part, my genuine belief. One would trust that they would discover this theme a fascinating subject. The dubious issue that is happening with the Yucca Mountain region isn't climate its correct, yet a greater amount of what we ought to do with our atomic waste and where to store it. â€Å"In July 2002, president Bush marked a bill assigning the Yucca Mountain site for improvement as a store for the removal of spent atomic fuel and elevated level radioactive waste†(orcwm.doe.gov). A valley not very far away from â€Å"Sin City†otherwise known as Las Vegas, Nevada, there is a remote desert where Yucca Mountain is in for thought for putting away atomic waste. The U.S. Branch of Energy started to concentrate here in 1978 to decide if it would be a fair spot to contain the nation’s first long haul geologic archive for spent atomic fuel and significant level radioactive waste. Spent atomic fuel is the radioactive result of making power business atomic force plants and significant level radioactive waste is side-effect from creation at barrier offices. Be that as it may, in 1982, Congress additionally settled a national arrangement to tackle the issue of atomic waste removal. This approach is a government law called the Nuclear Waste Policy congr ess put together this arrangement with respect to what most researchers overall concurred the better way that would work to discard the atomic waste that has been amassing throughout the years. Yucca Mountain was not by any means the only spot Congress had at the top of the priority list where to store the atomic waste; they additionally concocted six different states for thought as potential archive destinations. The specialists didn't simply p... Free Essays on Yucca Mountain Presentation: Yucca Mountain is the conceivable site of an atomic storehouse intended to store and discard spent atomic fuel. It is situated in Nye County, Nevada, which is around 100 miles northwest of Las Vegas (this can be seen on Figure #1). This land is governmentally possessed, and situated on the edge of the Department of Energy’s Test Site. The store would be situated in the mountain and be roughly 1000 feet underneath the highest point of the mountain and 1000 feet over the groundwater level. The vault will be intended to hold well over the 77,000 tons of atomic waste previously collected. In the event that the venture gets endorsement, it would be the countries first geographical store for removal of spent atomic fuel. The Yucca Mountain site was picked for a few reasons. Above all else, water is the primary methods for shipping waste out of an atomic archive and into nature. The Yucca Mountain site is situated in one of the driest and remote places in the United States. The zone gets under 7.5 creeps of downpour every year, and 95 percent of that doesn't arrive at the mountain. The site likewise has numerous normal hindrances, which forestall what little water is accessible from entering the site. The conceivable site is additionally situated on governmentally possessed land, which dispenses with the extensive errand of obtaining land from the state. There is likewise no hazard that groundwater that serves any of the close by urban communities will be tainted by the site. This is beyond the realm of imagination, in light of the fact that the groundwater framework that includes Yucca Mountain isn't associated with groundwater of the Las Vegas Valley. The groundwater framework at Yucca Mountain is a confined pressure driven bowl; that is; it doesn't interface with some other water sources. Separated water powered bowls are an extremely uncommon component, and it is very appropriate for the site. Consequently, Yucca Mountain was picked as the conceivable site of the geographical atomic vault. COST: The Yucca Mountain p... Free Essays on Yucca Mountain History For over two decades, the Shoshone clan, researchers, tree huggers, the national government, Nevada residents and lawmakers have wrestled over the destiny of Yucca Mountain. Yucca Mountain is situated inside the Western Shoshone Nation and has for some time been a position of incredible otherworldly vitality for the Shoshone clan. The water in the territory is additionally sacrosanct, for what it's worth with many desert people groups. Yucca Mountain, and the encompassing zone, was never really regarded government land. As indicated by the 1863 Ruby Valley Treaty that the Shoshone marked with the U.S. government, the vast majority of the territory currently utilized by the U.S. military for atomic weapons testing and the proposed squander capacity site was perceived as Shoshone land. Notwithstanding, the Shoshone can't control what occurs on their familial land. Rather, lawmakers keep on attempting to convince the Shoshone to acknowledge money related pay for their territory, which most view as an approach to dominate local title and deny future land claims. In the late 1970s government researchers started to examine Yucca Mountain as a potential archive for atomic waste, and since 1987 it has been the main site considered for 77,000 tons of spent atomic fuel and other radioactive waste. 98% of all the radioactive waste created by U.S. atomic reactors may before long be set out toward the mountain. There is as of now more atomic waste than the storehouse can hold, except if the 77,000 ton limit is raised. In spite of the fact that the office won't open until 2010 at the soonest, reactor squander now sitting in pools of water around the nation will fill Yucca Mountain’s passages and leave space for short of what 33% of the government’s atomic barrier squander, leaving 7,500 tons with no spot to go. Business atomic force plants produce 2,000 tons of elevated level waste every year, and when Yucca Mountain would be full in 2035, there would be 42,000 tons of recently created non military personnel squander at reactors around t he nation. Th...
Friday, August 21, 2020
Movie Rental Industry Essay Example
Film Rental Industry Essay Film Rental Industry Netflix and Blockbuster Case Analysis Lydia Floyd Strategic Management MGT422 February 28, 2013 Introduction Netflix serious procedure In request for Netflix to comprehend were the business lies as it identifies with the opposition it is critical to look for the right technique so as to be and remain serious. The five serious procedures are * Low-Cost * Broad Differentiation * Best-Cost * Focused specialty dependent on ease * Focused specialty dependent on separation Since every technique requires absolutely an alternate moved toward my proposals will be founded on centered specialty based around separation. Netflix initially offered DVD’s on a charge for every DVD premise and inevitably fan out into the month to month membership administration business. The organization at one point was guage to have more than 11. 3 million supporters by 2009 and 8 million VOD (Video on Demand) clients by 2013. (See Exhibit 1) This display fundamentally shows how the quantity of video spilling decisions has expanded in the course of recent years. So the organization is moving the correct way to the extent widen their separation system. The following display shows how Netflix analyzes to the its primary rivalry and how the company’s net overall revenue surpasses a contender like Blockbuster. The appended SWOT examination for Netflix makes reference to some significant focuses that are related with an engaged separation system. The organization is remaining dedicated to how to support the specialty superior to the opposition and addresses the zones that intrigue to explicit clients, for example, offering administrations that permit endorsers of return to guide scenes of a TV arrangement. We will compose a custom paper test on Movie Rental Industry explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom article test on Movie Rental Industry explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom article test on Movie Rental Industry explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer This investigation will permit the organization to distinguish zones to focus on deliberately and to make a last conclusion to where the organization stands by and large. Qualities * Increasing rivalry per part seeing is on the * Customers’ quitting is the most reduced it has ever been. * Clearest brand character Watch TV shows films whenever, anywhere†* Netflix has outperformed the rivalries in improving personalization of client decisions on account of huge enrollment base * Price $7. 99 every month * Exclusive Content: Of Netflixs top ten TV appears, six are just on Netflix, and not accessible with contenders. Netflixs DVD membership administration is very productive, with commitment edges around half. * Services permit clients to go right back to the start of the main season for TV shows Weaknesses * DVD memberships are down 8. 47 million endorsers in Q3, 2012 contrasted with 13. 81 million supporters 1 year prior. * Brand endured when the organization changed the e stimating * It could take three years for a full brand recuperation so as to see perceptible contrast to net revenues * Streaming membership commitment edges are a lot of Opportunities International extension (worldwide) * Original creations offer a route for the organization to interface with client feelings. Organization will offer 4 TV arrangement this year that may be on Netflix * Lack of utilization of charge and Mastercards Latin America. * Internet TV. Dangers * As Hastings called attention to, With huge markets comes rivalry There is a reasonable progress from direct TV to Internet TV and contenders need to partake in the benefits. * Contracts with Disney, Sony, and Universal * Hulu, offers its clients TV shows following they are disclosed just because. Hulu, Amazon, and HBO contenders making more interests in spilling alternatives * United Kingdom is a serious â€Å"The looked for after upper hand over other film rental contenders was to convey convincing client worth and consumer loyalty by disposing of the problem associated with picking rent and bringing movies back. Develop forward the organization has 2 essential key target 1 to keep on growing an enormous DVD membership business and to extend quickly to web based conveyance of substance as that market portion created. (Case page c-102) The company’s income has kept on developing considerably over that most recent few years. The following displays show the monetary situation from the finish of 2006 to end of 2008 going from 996,660 to 1,364,661 with the overall gain edge being at 6. 1% by 2008 which shows the organization gainfulness as it identifies with costs and liabilities. The following two slides simply give a visual for where Netflix looks at to blockbuster as it identifies with deals through 2010 Reference Page Thompson , A. College of Alabama 2008 Case 5 Competition in the Movie Rental Industry in 2008: Neflix and Blockbuster fight for showcase initiative http://beta. fool. com/danielsparks/2012/10/31/netflix-swot-examination/15522/http://www. slideshare. net/only1kiku/techindnetflix Gamble, John E. , Strickland, A. J. , Thompson, Arthur A. , 2010 Crafting and Executing Strategy McGraw Hill/Irwin New York New York http://account. yippee. com/q? s=NFLXql=1
Thursday, June 4, 2020
Impact of Advertisement on the New Media Generation Essay - 1925 Words
Impact of Advertisement on the New Media Generation (Essay Sample) Content: Name:Tutor:Course:Date: Impact of Advertisement on the New Media GenerationIntroduction Globalization, diversity, civilization and economy development are the dailies on every newspaper propagated directly or indirectly. They are aspects of the modern society or the new media generation. As a way of survival mechanism that is preserving, improving or corroding human culture, advertising has been the main agency of facilitating such mechanism through technologic. As such, persuasive and manipulative adverts have been used to convey different kinds of messages. As an attempt to transform the economy into perfect competition, several advertisement agency have come up with computerized programs meant to market their products and services. Although, digital media have shaped and improved the standard of life of man, the issue of how the media is being transformed to convey the required message affects human lives and relationships negatively. Transformation of the digital media entails agency of advertisement such as Twitter and Facebook are among known and widely used advertisement in the new generation are the social media such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter etc. therefore, the thesis analyses Twitter as an agency of advertisement on how it has promoted and encouraged values, characteristics and preferences of the new media generation. As such, the study shall use several supports from Andrew Lam in order to back up the claim and arguments behind the advertisement of the subject matter.ClaimMany advertisement agencies especially social media have posed a threat on the values, characteristics and preferences of the new media generation. Most of the hashtags and comments on Twitter, agency of advertisement, have promoted and encouraged negative values, characteristic and preference of the new media generation. The claim is evident from the trends that emerged from hashtags meant for advertisement on Twitters platform. Recent research has shown that Twitter encourages and promotes racism, vices, individualism and egocentrism, violence, laziness, fear, crime, mischief, gender inequality and cultural corrosion.Reasons According to the claim that Twitter as an agency of advertisement has been promoting and encouraging negative values and preference of the new media generation, there are several reasons behind such claim. As mentioned, racism, individualism and egocentrism, crime, inequality and other vices have risen up evident from the trends and hashtags associated with Twitter. Twitter uses several conventions such as mentions, replies and retweets to facilitate social connection depending on the type of message. As such, the main reasons for the claim are the language style and pictorial signals used to convey messages and allow social interaction. The use of slangs and symbols may promote either positive or negative values to the members. As such, there are no mechanism that have been programmed on the platform to censor or filter spam or threat messages and posts. Therefore, such reason undermines the effectiveness of Twitter in the promotion of positive values. There are words or categories of the words, although short, they dont reveal or carry the meaning of ones speech acts. On the same note, the language style used carry different meaning depending on the context of the social group membership, community, race and tribe. Although pornographic images posted on the Twitter platform have been discouraged and programs developed to filter them, there are other violent and illegal images that are posted and difficult to be filtered or controlled within the limits of the program. On the other hand, users of Twitter are anonymous persons that use personal pronouns and nouns to convey messages. As a result, the message, comment or tweet may carry a meaning that may be interpreted differently. Hence, Twitter remain a potential social and cultural corroding agent of advertisement on the new media generation .Evidence The claim and reason behind ineffectiveness of the advertisement concerned have been developed from founded evidence as discussed below. The evidence have been identified from the tweets or hashtags, messages and comments that are trending on Twitter.Primarily, Twitter has been in one way or another promoting and encouraging racism. (Huddleston) According to a recent tweet #iftheygunnedmedown, a picture and retweet that were posted on the platform had a negative effect on the values and preferences of the new media generation. The hashtag was tweeted after the killing of unnamed black American, Michael brown. As a result, the picture and tweets portrayed black American and African as angry, violent, hypersexual and uneducated. Although the hashtag meant to spread the message of death in return of condolences, the hashtag conveyed an opposite and violent message.On the other hand, a recent story of a professor of science, Bill Nye, who collapsed out of exhaustion during a l ecture. Audience, most of them students, took out their cameras and cell phones and took pictures for posting. Also, they tweeted instead of helping and rushing the professor to the hospital. Such incident shows how the media has taken over the brain of men to an extent of deprivation of empathy and humanity. Twitter has been used a sophisticated social media for the promotion of violent messages and recruitment of fighters. (Richard) The Twitter Jihad have been using the platform to spread images of massacres, inspire fear and as a medium for recruiting fighters. In the historical event of 2014 Brazil world cup that was marked by an hashtag #worldcup2014Brazil led to a retweet with an image of a beheaded person, #thisisourballithasskinonit.Negative stereotypes have been promoted through the use of Twitter. In this case, the images and adverts in tweeter have been a major facilitator of change in women characteristics, roles and values. The adverts of images and messages on the Twit ter platform creates a stereotype that portrays and reflects women as too busy with motherhood duties, beauty and household. On the same note, women are portrayed as sexual objects whereby the images being tweeted by the advertising agents are provocative and erotic.The issue of fame has made many artists famous and powerful. In the Twitter, the artist with many followers is considered noble, respected and powerful among the new generationGenerally, Twitter is a social media and an advertising agency that has been founded under the advancement of technology. As such, the new media generation have restricted their existence within the control of technology to the point of lifeless without it. There is no longer privacy either in writing or any other known form. Fame has taken roots among the new media generation, and it has corroded the concept of privacy. On the other hand, the authenticity and self-esteem no longer exist because the issue of face to face communication is becoming e xtinct.As far as social media and advertising are concerned, Twitter, from the discussed reasons and evidence have become a powerful tool of promoting and encouraging negative values, characterizes and preferences of the new generation media. Several scholars and authors have formulated theories, arguments and claims concerning the effects of technology on human civilization. These scholars and authors such as Andrew Lam have based their arguments and theories concerning technology through empirical, deductive and inductive research to give objections or rebuttals according to the design of the society in relationship to the technological effects.Objections and rebuttals Andrew Lam, author of the I tweet, therefore, I am, has supported the claim on how human have been handicapped by the technology and its advancement. Primarily, Lam supports the claim by spearheading the issue of privacy and fame. According to Lam, digital media has become an essential part of our daily lives to the extent of posting out our every move, event or activity on social media such as Twitter. Such statement shows how technology has deprived man of his or her privacy. On the same note, Lam, support the issue of fame and power by stating, Through the world of technology, man can attain power. The case of emergency of the professor Bill Nye, (D. George J. Timbur) Lam has expressed the issue as an effect of the digital media. The digital media have made man consider recording and interaction an important scene of life than the issue of emergency. In other words, Lam supports the fact that digital media have deprived man of his sympathy, empathy and sense of humanity towards life. Man has priorities digital media to his or her life. The case of a seven years boy who accidentally cut her finger, and asked his fellow to take a video instead of asking for medical attention. Self-esteem and personal expression according to Lam is a deadly virus of the digital media. In this case, (D. Georg e J. Timbur)Lam states that man has devoted much of his time to the virtual world that he sometimes forgets his own priorities and realities. As such, even personal eye contact bec...
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The HVP Vaccine Analysis Essay - 799 Words
You ask an adolescent now days if any of his friends have had sex, and the majority can say yes, but if you ask them how many of them were protected, or knew if the other person was tested negative for STD’s, most of them will just give you the shoulder shrug and say, â€Å"Well I don’t know, who cares anyways.†For this reason exactly vaccination from such an early start in children became an urgent need in the late 20th century and early 21st century, making it mandatory to receive Hep A and Hep B along with the other countless vaccines; however there is one that has been tried to make mandatory among girls, and it’s the HPV vaccine that is used to prevenet cervial cancer. In order to illuminate the public on the subject, two writers, health†¦show more content†¦Now, refering specifically to the HPV vaccine, according to Allen, in the trials made to test the drug, the results came back optimistic. Allen stated that, â€Å"HPV vaccine was shown to prevent 70% of the growths that lead to cerical cancer†, which according to him, â€Å"Strikes 14000 American women each year†(Allen 449). Plus, in the trials done by Merck, â€Å"The 20,000 women who received vaccine...experienced no major side effects.†(Allen 449). Despite the reults Adams didn’t believe it was strong enough data affirming, â€Å"The accine is absolutely worthless as a medical treatment acording to top docs in the alternative health field, and in my opinion, the so-called â€Å"science†supporting the vaccine as the only prevention for cervical cancer is an outright fraud.†(445) While Adams claims the evidence from the trials is a fraud, Allen finds the concrete results promising and trustworthy, both of which coming from the same source, Merck, the manufacturer of the accine. Now say that one decided not to take the vaccine, what would happen? Do the writers display any alternatives? Both Adams and Allen provided ways to prevent cervical cancer, both from different avenues. Adams recomended â€Å"adequate sunlight exposure and vitamin D consumption, adequate intake of selenium and zinc[among other supplements], regular exerciseand many other safe, natural,
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Talwar Articles Review Preview of Articlesâ€Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss about the Talwar Articles review Preview of articles? Answer: Introducation The case reviews are based on two clinical trial studies for the purpose of mental psychosis treatment. The studies are utilising the use of music therapy for rehabilitation treatment and restoration of mental ability for therapeutic measures among the schizophrenia patients. In the Talwar study, it bases its argument on the principle that music therapy improves the mental health status among the schizophrenia, and it evaluates its effects in the psychotic mental health state of the patients. In the Young study, it argues on restoration of social functioning of the mental state through rehabilitation therapy. It uses music as a form of psychosocial therapy for mental health. The studys background states that music therapy has been effectively been used to minimise negative symptoms to patients. The study evaluates the use of music therapy in lowering the symptoms and social disabilities associated with chronic schizophrenia among patients. In Yang study, it used selection criteria in admitting sample respondents, those who met the criteria were recruited in the study, employing CCMD-2 criteria of 1987. In Talwar study, the samples were recruited from in-patients in one of the hospital among the four hospitals in the study area. The sample was a representative of larger population. Talwar study has more strength in the sampling procedure in that it randomly selected patients admitted with schizophrenia, unlike in the Yang, the diagnostic criteria is too old for assessment and recruitment, more patients will be biased left out of study. The sampling chosen is robust enough to equalize the effects of expectation unlike from the other study; it risked being biased in the recruitment. Participants evaluation in the in clinical research is essential to eliminate business in the recruitment and treatment of the sample respondents. In randomised control trials, samples can encounter difference in terms of race, colour, cultural values, and changes in self awareness of the intended program and self perception recognition due to inert influences like self mentoring. However utilization of random assignment and selection should be balanced enough to counter act. It serves the purposes of equalization effects of non- processors that might affect the outcome of the two studies. In the Talwar study, patients who met the criteria of the study were approached and their consent sought through a written consent. Study procedure used inclusion and exclusion criteria, and those patients who met inclusion standards were included in the study. Thereafter the randomisation procedure ended whereby patients were treated to therapy care or routine alone, block randomisation stratification for the hospital was followed. The randomisation ratio used was 2:3, therapy: routine care with music sessions included. The treatments given were not equal hence could be a subject of biased results later during c study results. Follow up schedule was then initiated after 3 months of randomisation. To ensure that randomisation evaluation procedures were free of any biasness, an independent evaluator was used. Studies conducted have shown that effective randomisation in a study is effective for determination of causal effects of treatments, (Suvama, 2010). Randomisation is always prong ed with biasness hence this study utilized an independent evaluator to conduct the follow up interviews. Attrition biasness in randomised controlled studies is the systematic error in the loss of participants in the study. The patients might withdraw from the study due to personal reasons such as unfair treatments, efficacy issues and intolerable effects of music. In the Talwar study 27% of the respondents did not turn up for the study, this is larger portion which bring biasness in the study because the differing characteristics is correlated to the trial outcome being measured. Study done by Schulz and Grimes, (2002) argues that any loss of upto 5% or below should be a worry issue, while loss of between 5%- 20% should bring a lot of concerns. However in this study it is 30% which gives worry to evaluate validity of the results obtained, (Hewitt, David, Torgerson, Dumville, 2006). The Yang study is having greater advantage due to attrition loss being 3% which is way below the standard measure to worry. Thus results obtained from this study are presumed to be more valid and acceptable. Expectation effect on the observer is a reactivity process which a researcher cognitive biasness has an effect on the influence to the participant subjects in the treatments. It commonly refer to observation effects about outcomes f the study. It has been studied and shown to affect the diagnosis and decrease the internal validity when subjects behaviour is not according to expectations of the researcher, (Kobak et al., 2010). In the Talwar study, blinding ratters was used to conduct the interview so as to limit researchers selective approach in the collection of data. This protocol is effective in the process of the entry criteria, visit number and improvements expectations. In the Yang study, there was no use of independent ratters hence subject to expectation biases and affect the diagnostic treatment and results validity. The treatment of the groups in the Talwar study was given preferential access, by empowering the patients to play with the instruments was a way in which positive treatment could be used. The difference that can be observed in the groups is that, treatment group was given facilitation and guidance in the therapy of music play while in the control group no support give as they were left alone without the services of a therapist and music treatment given at the trail process. A repeat of this study, matching and stratification will be deployed to manage the preferential treatment that might occur between the therapist and the patients, (Austin, 2013). In the Talwar study, table two test the hypothesis relating to changes in primary and secondary experimental groups and control groups at two distinct periods were the same at baseline and at 3 months. The p value in the table is 0.045, thus allows us to reject the null hypothesis statement stated. The statistical power of the study was adequate and effective in rejecting any false null hypothesis of the study. In Yang study the effect of treatment is strong in that it shows significant difference in the outcomes of the study between the control and treatment groups. While in Talwar study it showed association of difference after three months of treatment. In Yang study the, therapist used for treatment were experienced musicians who had the skills of how to coach and effectively teach the patients how to sing and use the musical instruments whereas in the other there was no such treatment to the respondents. The application of music treatment in Yang study is that, the mode of application of the music was based on an individual basis and personal coaching applied to the patients. The therapists themselves were musician hence rich expertise in the application of the music through the different process which include participation, emotional and expression sequence which allows full participation of the respondents in the study. In the Talwar study the subjection of music to the patients was done in therapy sessions lasting for 45 minutes once in a week with music therapy who were not necessarily musicians by profession. The therapist function was to support the patients emotionally during the musical process which was not in-depth compared to the Yang study which was more intensive and patient captivating. Such treatment protocol is not feasible in acute care management plan because the patients characteristics are significant of negative symptoms such as mood disorders and cognitive impairments. This displays can lead to damage relationships between the care giver or the therapist and the patient, (Husnoo, Goonoo Abbas, 2012). To generalize findings of any research is a crucial aspect. Important factors such as internal validity of the study tools , play key role in generalizing the findings, (Kukull, Walter Mary, 2012),Talwar study findings cannot meet this criterion since the sample size respondents was far much wide with 31% of the respondents being non responsive thus affected the validity of the results. In Yang study the results can be generalized to other settings since the validity of the results is measurable and that the sample respondents were responsive. The findings of both studies have not given conclusive evidence on the use of music therapy to actually give treatment to schizophrenia management of patients. Neuroleptic treatments diminishes the effects of symptoms and prevent the occurrence of relapses among patients, (Frances et al., 2017), hence music therapy is unlikely to be a replacement of the therapy. In both the studies one outstanding gap is that the effectiveness of music therapy needs to assessed, as none has outline how effective the therapy is improving the state of the schizophrenia patients. Modification of the study design would analyse the use of the quasi-experimental designs to assign specific respondents into a study to asses them specifically regarding to the therapy. In this design, it estimates the causal impact on intervention without randomly assigning the target population. The researcher will control the variables but utilising the same criterion in experimental on exclusion and inclusion procedures, (Dinardo, 2008). At some point in this research process, control over the treatment assignment may be applicable, however this design may be subject to internal validity , it will based on the researchers own interest on what is measured. Difference in groups can be observed, and its occurrence will be due to chance and choice changes in the characteristics at post intervention will be equivalent to intervention applied. The outcome will be dependable variable of the intervention. References Austin, P.C., 2013. The performance of different propensity score methods for estimating marginal hazard ratios. Statistics in medicine, 32(16), pp.2837-2849. Dumville, J.C., Torgerson, D.J. and Hewitt, C.E., 2006. Reporting attrition in randomised controlled trials. BMJ: British Medical Journal, 332(7547), p.969. Frances R Frankenburg , 2017. SchizophreniaTreatment Management. Online Access on 14/05/2017. https://emedicine.medscape.com/article/288259-treatment. Husnoo, N., Goonoo, M.S. and Abbas, S., Practical management of aromatase inhibitor-induced bone loss in breast cancer patients. Kobak, K.A., Leuchter, A., DeBrota, D., Engelhardt, N., Williams, J.B., Cook, I.A., Leon, A.C. and Alpert, J., 2010. Site versus centralized raters in a clinical depression trial: impact on patient selection and placebo response. Journal of clinical psychopharmacology, 30(2), pp.193-197. Kukull, W.A. and Ganguli, M., 2012. Generalizability The trees, the forest, and the low-hanging fruit. Neurology, 78(23), pp.1886-1891. Schneider, J., Brner, D., van Rosmalen, P. and Specht, M., 2016. Can You Help Me with My Pitch? Studying a Tool for Real-Time Automated Feedback. IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, 9(4), pp.318-327. Schulz, K.F. and Grimes, D.A., 2002. Unequal group sizes in randomised trials: guarding against guessing. The Lancet, 359(9310), pp.966-970. Suvarna, V., 2010. Consort 2010: A Standard for Reporting Clinical Trials Revised Anew?. Perspectives in clinical research, 1(3), p.87. Talwar, N., Crawford, M.J., Maratos, A., Nur, U., McDERMOTT, O.R.I.I. and Procter, S., 2006. Music therapy for in-patients with schizophrenia. The British journal of psychiatry, 189(5), pp.405-409. Yang, W.Y., Li, Z., Weng, Y.Z. and Zhang, H.Y., 1998. Psychosocial rehabilitation effects of music therapy in chronic schizophrenia. Hong Kong Journal of Psychiatry, 8(1), p.38.
Sunday, April 19, 2020
Sex Essays - Human Sexuality, Sexuality And Religion, Premarital Sex
Sex Have you heard of sex before? I'm sure you have simply because it is a human part of life. Sex is natural and there is absolutely nothing wrong with it whatsoever. You often hear of the birds and the bees and how reproduction is the point of life. Is sex made for more than that? Answer: ABSOLUTELY!!!(in my opinion) I believe sex is merely for married people who love one another and know what they are doing. Those who are married for such a commitment-eternity is quite along time,well not forever, but long enough to die with eachother. Marriage is made for those who are not afraid to commit, not afraid to make promises simply because they are not afraid to keep them. They are ready for anything that is dealt at them. Sex is made for those ready for marriage. Premarital sex is not the answer to love. Babies grown up in a situation where mommy and daddy aren't responsible enough to take care of their young. Sex is awesome. Why not wait for the right one? Bibliography none needed
Saturday, March 14, 2020
British life essays
British life essays The nineteenth (19th) century was a period of great change and accompanying social unrest in the British Isles. Most outstanding among the changes was the industrial revolution. As everything in life, it brought good, but it also brought evil. The industrial revolution combined with the expansion of the British Empire made the United Kingdom, the richest and most powerful country in the world. Some of the islanders became unbelievably wealthy, but others, unfortunately, became unbelievably poor. Writers from this historical period cognizant of the human suffering, became social critics of what was taking place in England, of how the rich and powerful became more oppressive than before and how the very poor, were evenly more oppressed. Among these writers were Charles Dickens and George Eliot. In his novel, Felix Halt the Radical, Eliot (nee Mary Anne Evans) describes graphically the conflict and battle between these two groups. In the novel, Eliot portrayed British society as having two types of people, the oppressors, who were the landowners who had the ability to vote and serve in government and then there the oppressed, who are the back breaking workers. The factory workers and miners (the oppressed) were denied basic human rights and their opinion and beliefs were discarded as being useless. These workers wanted change and reform, however they did not speak out against their masters or government because of fear of retaliation by the oppressors, of punishment and also because of the lack of leadership skill to organize a revolt. The leadership that was needed was that of Harold Transome, a radical, and of his political agents that began preaching the need for change and for equality among the workers. Traditionally, two main political parties existed in Great Britain, the Whigs and Tories, which forced society to choose what side would represent them. The split in society caused conflict in which people would onl...
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